buat sekian lamanye

ehm sudah lama aku x update blog ni..
sepanjang aku x m'update ni mcm2 b'lku..within end of Feb untill early of Apr


them makes my life so horrible..

i hope no want will tricked by them..

i've been deceived..ergh..pliz be aware..


on APRIL...MOHD FAIZAL ABD.GHANI father has left us forever.

AL-FATIHAH..faizal said that his late father wanted to see mee before he dying becoz of his tuberculosis.But N9 to BALIK PULAU is too far..i'm really sory zal..
i can't ever hear his sad voice..i hope i can go there to visit the cemetery one day..
last week faizal had sent a comment at my fs..he ask me for a chance to be my love for the 2nd time..i'm sory zal..i can't..but u can still be my friend forever ok..


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